
The Seagull

The Seagull

“I really enjoy writing it, although I break the rules of the stage very often. Comedy with three female and six male characters, four acts, a landscape (view of the lake); lot of conversations about literature, barely any action, five poods of love” – wrote Chekhov in one of his letters about The Seagull.  more

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And the results: one of the biggest plays of the world literature. It is a real masterpiece, an irregular comedy, the most personal confession of the playwright- since he added both autobiographical moments and stories about his closest ones, and just as he mentioned: five poods of love. Is that a lot or too little? - we could ask. It’s more than 80 kilograms… For some it is unbearable and too much, for others much more still wouldn’t be enough to move from their own little world… The Seagull is a play where you can find all the pain of unrequited love, the unconditional love for theatre, the eternal seeking for happiness, the solitude and the fight against mediocrity.  

‘The Seagull’ is staged by David Doiasvili, the director of the Vaso Abashidze Music and Drama State Theatre, Tbilisi.

The performance is recommended for an audience over 16 years.

Please beware, that during the show fume, pyrotechnic and strong sound effects are used! During the performance stroboscope is used, so the show is not recommended for pregnant women, people with epilepsy or pacemaker!


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