
Modern Art Orchestra & Peter Erskine, Sherry Williams: The Standards of Tomorrow

Modern Art Orchestra & Peter Erskine, Sherry Williams: The Standards of Tomorrow

The Modern Art Orchestra (MAO), which has always paid special attention to its contemporaries, has compiled a selection of iconic works from these composers.

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Last event date: Thursday, March 13 2025 8:00PM

Hungarian jazz composition boasts an illustrious line of world class, internationally acclaimed creators that stretches beyond Gábor Szabó and Attila Zoller. The hall of immortal Hungarian songwriters also has a place for numerous jazz musicians still among us today, and others that have recently departed this mortal coil: the compositions of Vukán, Szakcsi, Babos, László Dés, Mihály Dresch, Attila László, Kálmán Oláh, Mihály Borbély, Elemér Balázs and Kornél Fekete-Kovács are lovingly performed both in Hungary and around the world. The Modern Art Orchestra (MAO), which has always paid special attention to its contemporaries, has compiled a selection of iconic works from these composers, with instrumentation from band leader Kornél Fekete-Kovács. The drumming legend Peter Erskine will be playing Hungarian music alongside Hungarians for the umpteenth time, while we have also heard Sherry Williams before in a unique MAO performance of Liszt’s Via crucis. The music will also hum with the vibrations of the Hungarian instrument, the cimbalom – courtesy of Miklós Lukács.

trumpet, flugelhorn, artistic director - Kornél Fekete-Kovács
drums - Peter Erskine
vocals - Sherry Williams
cimbalom - Miklós Lukács
Modern Art Orchestra

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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Az orgona hangja képes kiragadni hallgatóját a pillanatból, megteremtve az időtlenség illúzióját – ezen a koncerten mégis fontos szerepet kap az idő.

3+ 90 perc, 1 szünettel Bábtechnika: kesztyűsbáb, pálcás báb


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