Zita Nauratyill
Bach24 returns! more
Bach24 returns! more
Ten years after the last similar marathon and on occasion of the 340th anniversary of the composer’s birth, Müpa Budapest is once again hosting a 24-hour “Bach shift” from 9 pm on 2 May to 9 pm on 3 May, during the course of which all of Johann Sebastian’s organ works will be performed by musicians young and old, and from Hungary and abroad, on the world-famous instrument in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall.
The daytime programmes of the concert series begin at 10 am and will see no fewer than 16 talented teenagers introducing themselves in the course of its first chapter. They will be followed by István Ella, Zita Nauratyill, Jan Liebermann and Mónika Kecskés taking turns at the keyboards. The audiences of the daytime concerts is sure to encounter a breathtaking diversity of sounds and genres.
J. S. Bach
Concerto in C major after Antonio Vivaldi, BWV 594
J. S. Bach
Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig – chorale partita, BWV 768
J. S. Bach
Concerto in D minor after Antonio Vivaldi, BWV 596
J. S. Bach
Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen – chorale partita, BWV 770
J. S. Bach
Four Duets (Clavierübung III), BWV 802-805
J. S. Bach
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, BWV 542
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Az ikonikus zenekar ezúttal egy nem mindennapi, különleges koncertre várja a rajongóit. (esőnap: június 22.)
Hogyan tanuljuk meg az élet legfontosabb dolgait? Szigorú figyelemmel, fegyelmezetten, csendben ülve, vagy esetleg szemlélődve, játszva, másokat is bevonva? A…
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