
Current events

Director: Mati Diop

November 2021. 26 royal treasures of the Kingdom of Dahomey are about to leave Paris to return to their country of origin, the present-day Republic of Benin. Along with thousands of others, these artefacts were plundered by French colonial troops in 1892. But what attitude to adopt to these ancestors’ homecoming in a country that had to forge ahead in their absence? The debate rages among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi.

Awards: Berlin International Film Festival: Golden Bear Award

Premier: 2025.01.30.

Distributor: Mozinet


Even in the genre of animated films, it is rare to find a Hungarian production that does not seek to…

Színes, feliratos, amerikai koncertfilm 12+ 125 perc

Az emlékesten műsorában a legendás pop ikonok dalait Mahó Andrea Sári Évi és Egyházi Géza és Pesák Ádám köti csokorba.…