Bach Nacht - Fassang/Kubik/Palkovics/Kun/Zsilka/Vizi/Szedmák / BACH24
Bach24 returns! more
Bach24 returns! more
Ten years after the last similar marathon and on occasion of the 340th anniversary of the composer’s birth, Müpa Budapest is once again hosting a 24-hour “Bach shift” from 9 pm on 2 May to 9 pm on 3 May, during the course of which all of Johann Sebastian’s organ works will be performed by musicians young and old, and from Hungary and abroad, on the world-famous instrument in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall.
In the time slot extending from 11 pm until 9.30 am, László Fassang, Tamás Kubík, Mária Palkovics, Rajmund Kun, Alan Zsilka, Dávid Vizi and Eszter Szedmák will perform back to back. The audience for the night programmes will be able to take their places on the beanbags laid out on the stage, and they are also free to come and go throughout the concerts. The visual imaginations of those listening will be sparked by the light painting of Zsolt Czakó.
11 pm-12.30 am: Organ concert by László Fassang
12.30 am-2 am: Organ concert by Tamás Kubík
2 am-3.30 am: Organ concert by Mária Palkovics
3.30 am-5 am: Organ concert by Rajmund Kun
5 am-6.30 am: Organ concert by Alan Zsilka
6.30 am-8 am: Organ concert by Dávid Vizi
8 am-9.30 am: Organ concert by Eszter Szedmák
organ László Fassang
Tamás Kubík
Mária Palkovics
Rajmund Kun
Alan Zsilka
Dávid Vizi
Eszter Szedmák
light painting Zsolt Czakó
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Élje át egy különleges estét, amelyet napjaink egyik legnagyobb zenei ikonja ihletett! Készüljön fel egy lenyűgöző show-ra a világszerte elismert…
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