
The Symphony Orchestra / Soundcastle – Let’s Build Music

The Symphony Orchestra / Soundcastle – Let’s Build Music

Just like buildings, pieces of music are constructed from small component parts. From sounds, and from tones, obeying the universal laws of music – and sometimes breaking them. But how are the building blocks of music assembled? In what way do individual instruments and solo parts support and complement each other?

Current events

How is music able to become more than just the sum of its parts? The events of the Soundcastle programme series will provide us with answers to all these questions and more.

When it comes to symphonic orchestras, the number of tiny elements that must achieve a perfect interplay between them in order to create an incomparable musical experience is particularly striking. If, however, we are able to fully comprehend the roles of the various instruments and instrument groups, and how they depend on each other, then a new world opens up before us. The final edition of Soundcastle will throw these doors wide open.

presenter: Mátyás Sőnfeld

Age: 8-14 year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest


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