
52 Days in Hell - The Siege of Budapest 1944–45 - A Tour of Buda Castle and Underground Bomb Shelter

52 Days in Hell - The Siege of Budapest 1944–45 - A Tour of Buda Castle and Underground Bomb Shelter

Take a journey back 80 years in time to recall the siege of Buda Castle during the Second World War as learnt through the recollections of those who survived it. Take a walk with us on Castle Hill, above ground and underground, as we visit an original bomb shelter in the cave system beneath this historic district.

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On Christmas Eve 1944, the Soviet Red Army encircled German-occupied Budapest, and the 52-day siege of the Hungarian capital began. In Buda Castle, tens of thousands sought refuge, including German and Hungarian soldiers, the wounded, and civilians. During these hellish weeks — completely unimaginable today — they all experienced a common terror of death, but also an instinctive desire for survival in the underground spaces of the Royal Palace and the globally unique cave and cellar system of the historic residential quarter. They suffered immensely from the cold, the lack of water and food, darkness, overcrowding, and disease, while trying to save their lives, possessions, and the treasures of the Royal Palace. During our tour, we will recount the horrors of the siege of Buda based on diaries and memoirs as we take a walk through an underground labyrinth, visiting an original Second World War bomb shelter. By the end of the tour, you will understand why the siege of Budapest is often compared to that of Stalingrad, one of the bloodiest and most destructive encirclement battles in world history. 

DEPARTURE: Matthias Fountain in the Buda Castle Palace District 
ARRIVAL: Szentháromság tér (Szentháromság square) 
DURATION: 120 minutes

More details 
• this is both an outdoor and indoor programme 
• it is recommended for ages 14 and upwards 
• the programme starts promptly at the time indicated, we cannot wait for latecomers
• the tour is held in all weather conditions (even in the case of rain)
• as the walk winds on cobbled streets, in dark but illuminated areas of the Buda Castle Cave, with steep stairs, narrow corridors, and solid, sometimes wet surfaces, the tour is not suitable for those with mobility challenges
• comfortable walking shoes are recommended 
• the temperature in the Buda Castle Cave is approximately 12°C (54°F) year-round, so we recommend dressing in layers.


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